IU Health

Miala R. Oliger, NP

IU Health


4.9 out of 5 stars (46 ratings)
Hospital-Based Provider Only
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Q: What prompted you to enter the medical field?

I knew from the time I was a little girl starting pretend IVs on my dolls that I would work in healthcare at some capacity. My first “real” job was in the radiology department at Bloomington Hospital. As my exposure to healthcare grew so did my interests and pursuit for education. I worked my way through the ranks from a file room clerk to a nurse practitioner. I love that I am able to give my services back to my local community.

Q: What does success on any given day, look like to you?

Success changes throughout the day on any given day! At the end of the day success is simply knowing that I did my best work at every task I encountered.

Q: What has been your most memorable medical moment?

My most memorable medical moment was when a patient scheduled an appointment with me to discuss a recent screening test she had completed. When I walked into the room she burst into tears, gave me a hug, and told me that the test I had ordered for her detected an early stage cancer. The cancer was removed and the patient was doing very well. She expressed great gratitude and stated that had I not been persistent with recommending this preventative screening she would have never had it done and feared that the outcome may have been much different.

IU Health Orthopedics & Sports Medicine image
IU Health Orthopedics & Sports Medicine2605 E. Creek's Edge Dr.Bloomington, IN 47401
Specialties & Details




Nursing Degree:

Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN

Hospitals & Affiliations

Hospital Privileges:

IU Health Bedford, IU Health Bedford, IU Health Bloomington, IU Health Methodist/IU Health University, IU Health North, IU Health Paoli, IU Health West

Physician Group:

IU Health Medical Group

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Ratings & Reviews

Overall Provider Rating

4.9 out of 5 stars (46 ratings)

Patients' feedback on the following attributes:


Time Spent With Patient


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June 15, 2023

Would have been nice to received notice that the office was leaving Iu Health.

June 7, 2023

The provider was knowledgeable and efficient.

May 25, 2023

I find Miala Oliger to be an exceptionally wonderful medical professional.

May 8, 2023

She is very personable and knowledgeable about her specialized medicine. I really hate that her office is going to be closing. I feel I.U. health is making a big mistake closing this office.

May 5, 2023

Enough time spent with me to feel totally fine about the appt. and all my questions answered.

April 29, 2023

I received excellent service, very good manners and I was very appreciative. now, what Okay, I guess.

April 18, 2023

I have always liked Miala Oliger. I think that office is great. 

April 14, 2023

Listen to me this time and went with what is working for me without all the side effects

April 13, 2023

Useful and clear advice from Miala Oliger.

April 6, 2023

they were very knowledgeable professional. Spent all the time in the world with me. Just answering all my questions.