Radiology & Imaging

Our focus is making you comfortable while getting the very best images

Radiographs, scans and images are important pieces of information that help doctors diagnose medical problems ranging from a broken finger to cancer.

Doctors called radiologists use advanced technology to take pictures of what’s going on inside your body and share this information with your other doctors to complete the picture of your medical condition.

Our Approach to Radiology & Imaging

IU Health is focused on two things when it comes to radiology and imaging:

  1. Getting the best images possible to allow your team of doctors to help you
  2. Ensuring your comfort and confidence during your tests

Imaging procedures sometimes require you to lie still inside a scanner for a while. Our technologists are trained to put you at ease and help you through to provide you with a good experience.

Imaging technology is constantly changing. The information doctors get from your images looks nothing like it did five years ago. Our radiologists consult closely with researchers and doctors at Indiana University School of Medicine to stay on the cusp of advancing technology.

Through this collaboration, we can use the most up-to-date methods to gather information about your condition. The most accurate diagnoses mean treatment can be tailored to you.

Why IU Health for Radiology & Imaging

IU Health provides all types of imaging you might need to help diagnose or treat your condition. We assign a radiologist who is experienced in the specific part of your body being scanned to read your images. For example, if you have a head and neck CT scan, an expert in head and neck radiology reviews your images.

Some types of imaging use radiation to get pictures of inside your body:

Types of imaging that don’t use radiation include:

Radiologists also use radiology and imaging to treat medical conditions – not just diagnose problems. This is called interventional radiology.

IU Health provides radiology and imaging services for all ages, including children. Children from all over Indiana come to Riley Hospital for Children for testing, including specialized services such as neurodiagnostic imaging tests for seizure disorders.

We also participate in a national mammogram research project as part of our focus on breast cancer research.

Related Services and Conditions for Radiology & Imaging

Endoscopic Ultrasound

EUS uses a special tool with an ultrasound probe that can examine the walls of the GI tract and organs outside of the GI tract, such as the pancreas, liver and lymph nodes to diagnose and treat diseases within or beside the GI tract.

Patient Stories for Radiology & Imaging

Dec 12

Soulmates reunite again after successful spine surgery

McKissack had pain in her back that prevented her from visiting her husband. She asked her IU Health doctor for help and was prepped for surgery.

Soulmates reunite again after successful spine surgery image.