IU Health - Environmental and Food Service Jobs

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Making an impact is all in a day’s work

Join a team doing essential work in support of people’s health.

All skills are valuable

Patients need healthy food to eat and a clean, safe place to receive care. At IU Health, we need passionate team members willing to work with others in Environmental Services and Food and Nutrition Services. That could be you.

Now hiring cooks, food prep workers, housekeepers, and more.

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Competitive pay with room to grow

When you take a job at IU Health, it’s just the start of your journey. We give our team members the chance to learn new skills and find out about other kinds of roles within our system—the biggest health care system in Indiana.

Jobs in Environmental Services and Food and Nutrition Services pay a competitive wage with generous time off, insurance and other benefits.

A day in the life with Environmental Services

Watch this video to discover why a job on the Environmental Services team is the right fit for you.

A day in the life with Food and Nutrition Services

Learn more about how you might join the Food and Nutrition Services team in this video.