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Balancing work and life can be a challenge, especially in today’s world.

Even if we wake up with a solid plan for the day it can be altered in a moment by a sick child, traffic jams and delays, or an unexpected repair need at home.

We can suddenly find in the course of our workday that we are covering for a sick coworker, we overlooked a detail the day before or we simply are tired due to lack of sleep.

Whatever you are trying to balance, the IU Health Employee Assistance program can assist with confidential support, education, solutions and recommendations for your level of stress.

EAP benefits are available to you and your eligible household members including spouse, significant others, domestic partners and children up to age 26. The employee does not need to participate in the EAP services with a family member.

We have counselors available where you live and work throughout the state of Indiana and Midwest. Our counselors hold a variety of degrees and licenses, including social workers, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, substance abuse counselors and others.

We offer skilled and professional services and maintain your confidentiality, within the requirements of the law.

Call to schedule an appointment from 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday at 317.962.8001, or by emailing iuhealtheap@iuhealth.org. Based upon the need, we can often offer same day sessions or time with a counselor within 48 business hours. We offer daytime, weekend and evening hours for appointments.

Weekdays we have a counselor available for general phone consultation as well. After hours and on weekends, if you experience a crisis or urgent situation our counselor can be reached at 317.962.8001 by asking to speak to the on-call EAP counselor.

Employee Services

EAP benefits are available to you and your eligible household members including spouse, significant others, domestic partners and children up to age 26. The employee does not need to participate in the EAP services with a family member.

We have counselors available where you live and work throughout the state of Indiana and Midwest. Our counselors hold a variety of degrees and licenses, including social workers, marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, substance abuse counselors and others.

We offer skilled and professional services and maintain your confidentiality, within the requirements of the law.

Call to schedule an appointment from 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday at 317.962.8001, or by emailing iuhealtheap@iuhealth.org. Based upon the need, we can often offer same day sessions or time with a counselor within 48 business hours. We offer daytime, weekend and evening hours for appointments.

Weekdays we have a counselor available for general phone consultation as well. After hours and on weekends, if you experience a crisis or urgent situation our counselor can be reached at 317.962.8001 by asking to speak to the on-call EAP counselor.

The IU Health Employee Assistance Program helps employees cope with:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Grief and loss related to death, divorce, life change and job transitions
  • Workplace or home relationship conflict
  • Family, marital and couples problems
  • Substance abuse of alcohol and drugs
  • Problem solving and education on ways to cope better

How We Help Your Employees

The IU Health Employee Assistance Program helps employees cope with:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Grief and loss related to death, divorce, life change and job transitions
  • Workplace or home relationship conflict
  • Family, marital and couples problems
  • Substance abuse of alcohol and drugs
  • Problem solving and education on ways to cope better

What You Should Know

More than 18 percent of adults in the U.S. experience an anxiety disorder such as posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and specific phobias.

Anxiety can range from feelings of worry to full-blown panic. Disorders emerge when fears and worries are persistent, disproportionate and hard to control, or when they interfere with daily activities.


What You Should Know

More than 18 percent of adults in the U.S. experience an anxiety disorder such as posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and specific phobias.

Anxiety can range from feelings of worry to full-blown panic. Disorders emerge when fears and worries are persistent, disproportionate and hard to control, or when they interfere with daily activities.

Optimism vs. Pessimism

Optimism elevates your mood. It allows the brain to scan and realize new possibilities and solutions. Optimists give themselves credit when due, appreciate the efforts and accomplishments of others and feel confident that good things will continue and will permeate into different areas of their lives.

Pessimism lowers your mood and prevents the brain from seeing options and opportunities that abound. The negative brain becomes concerned with proving a negative conclusion to be true, and it seeks evidence to support it.

Pessimists tend to assume or assign blame, assess bad situations as stable (“This won’t go away”) and feel the negativity will permeate into different areas of their lives.


Optimism vs. Pessimism

Optimism elevates your mood. It allows the brain to scan and realize new possibilities and solutions. Optimists give themselves credit when due, appreciate the efforts and accomplishments of others and feel confident that good things will continue and will permeate into different areas of their lives.

Pessimism lowers your mood and prevents the brain from seeing options and opportunities that abound. The negative brain becomes concerned with proving a negative conclusion to be true, and it seeks evidence to support it.

Pessimists tend to assume or assign blame, assess bad situations as stable (“This won’t go away”) and feel the negativity will permeate into different areas of their lives.

10 Steps to Building Resilience

When your happy gets bumped by your reality: Use this resource to learn the 10 steps to building resilience.


10 Steps to Building Resilience

When your happy gets bumped by your reality: Use this resource to learn the 10 steps to building resilience.

What You Should Know

Depression is a real illness that affects 1 in 20 Americans over the age of 12. Depression can significantly affect your life by increasing your risk of anxiety, substance abuse, heart disease and suicide, but effective treatments do exist.

Recognizing the symptoms is an important first step in receiving the help needed to achieve long-term recovery. You don’t have to be feeling all of these symptoms to be depressed.

You might be depressed but experience only a few of these symptoms. Like most feelings, depression is not “all or nothing.” You may be mildly depressed, moderately depressed or very depressed—and the symptoms will vary accordingly.


What You Should Know

Depression is a real illness that affects 1 in 20 Americans over the age of 12. Depression can significantly affect your life by increasing your risk of anxiety, substance abuse, heart disease and suicide, but effective treatments do exist.

Recognizing the symptoms is an important first step in receiving the help needed to achieve long-term recovery. You don’t have to be feeling all of these symptoms to be depressed.

You might be depressed but experience only a few of these symptoms. Like most feelings, depression is not “all or nothing.” You may be mildly depressed, moderately depressed or very depressed—and the symptoms will vary accordingly.

EAP is confidential and follows all federal guidelines to protect your privacy. No information is released without your consent. All records pertaining to EAP services are treated with strictest confidence in accordance of Federal Regulation (42CFR) part 2.

EAP is separate from human resources and no information will be recorded in your personnel file.

In the event you are in danger to yourself or someone else, a child is at risk or there is an imminent threat, action must be taken to protect lives in accordance with the law.


EAP is confidential and follows all federal guidelines to protect your privacy. No information is released without your consent. All records pertaining to EAP services are treated with strictest confidence in accordance of Federal Regulation (42CFR) part 2.

EAP is separate from human resources and no information will be recorded in your personnel file.

In the event you are in danger to yourself or someone else, a child is at risk or there is an imminent threat, action must be taken to protect lives in accordance with the law.