Thrive by IU Health
We are IU Health New tools lead to earlier, safer lung cancer detection IU Health Arnett Hospital Jim Neyhart is one of several patients in the Lafayette area who are benefiting from IU Health Arnett's lung nodule program and specifically, robotic ... New tools lead to earlier, safer lung cancer detection
Side effects from smoking you might not know about Health & Wellness November 20, 2024 Side effects from smoking you might not know about Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances available. In cigarettes, nicotine is delivered ...
Cancer survivor leads high-risk breast cancer prevention program We are IU Health November 18, 2024 Cancer survivor leads high-risk breast cancer prevention program Adrien Gupton is a nurse practitioner who cares for healthy patients who are at higher risk for b...
Organ donor gave gift of life to man who showed him how to be a ‘fixer’ November 13, 2024 Organ donor gave gift of life to man who showed him how to be a ‘fixer’ They were neighbors for more that 20 years and when one man needed a liver, the other one said, “...

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TAVR procedure helps patient breathe easy

After some investigation, Martha Fletcher's primary care doctor referred her to the heart valve team at IU Health Arnett where experts determined she was a good candidate for an innovative heart procedure.

After some investigation, Martha Fletcher's primary care doctor referred her to the heart valve team at IU Health Arnett where experts determined she was a good candidate for an innovative heart procedure.

Augmented reality revolutionizes neurosurgery
Cardiovascular and oncology worlds combine to deliver world-class care
Learn how two people became part of the first altruistic living liver transplant in IU Health history.

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85 Things to Do Besides Smoking
85 Things to Do Besides Smoking The best way to break a bad habit is to replace it with something else. Quickly coming up with an alternative to smoking can feel near impossible. ...
Is it COVID-19, flu or a cold?
Is it COVID-19, flu or a cold? When your child comes home with a runny nose or your work colleague begins sneezing, we often begin considering all the possibilities: is it a cold...

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