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Specialty Care

IU Health Cardiology - Fishers

4.8 out of 5 stars (2,926 ratings)

IU Health Cardiology - Fishers provides heart care for adults through some of the most technologically advanced testing and procedures available. We provide patients a combination of clinical expertise, plus skilled cardiovascular physicians and staff.

Our team of multidisciplinary specialists, including cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and clinical specialists, collaborates to deliver the most advanced treatment options, caring for patients with common problems to the most complex.

Constant communication among our team members and with your family ensures everyone is informed at every stage of your care.

IU Health Cardiology - Fishers provides a range of medical and surgical treatments for heart disease. Consult your physician for additional questions and information about preparing for these procedures.

  • Balloon Angioplasty and Stents
  • Cardiac Catheterization
  • Cardioversion
  • Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator
  • Pacemaker Insertion
  • Valve Repair/Replacement

Medical & Surgical Treatment

IU Health Cardiology - Fishers provides a range of medical and surgical treatments for heart disease. Consult your physician for additional questions and information about preparing for these procedures.

  • Balloon Angioplasty and Stents
  • Cardiac Catheterization
  • Cardioversion
  • Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator
  • Pacemaker Insertion
  • Valve Repair/Replacement

This structured inpatient and outpatient program helps patients with specific cardiac diseases and/or procedures recover more quickly and completely through monitored or supervised exercise programming and cardiac-specific education classes. There is also a phase of the cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) program designed to prevent the occurrence or re-occurrence of heart disease.

Cardiac rehabilitation benefits patients who have recovered or are recovering from heart or vascular conditions or procedures, such as:

  • Cardiovascular disease, angina or heart attack
  • Heart surgery: bypass surgery, valve repair or replacement, aortic aneurysm repair or replacement, heart transplant
  • Interventional procedures, such as angioplasty or stents
  • Heart failure
  • Arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm)
  • Device implants, such as pacemakers or internal defibrillators (ICDs)
  • Other forms of heart or vascular disorders

Patients who regularly participate in the cardiac rehab program can expect to see improvements in:

  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Body weight
  • Functional capacity (activities of daily living)
  • Blood sugar control
  • Mood/depression

Cardiac rehabilitation strives to:

  • Improve your overall heart health
  • Enhance your return to a healthy lifestyle
  • Increase your understanding about your heart or blood vessel disease and treatment
  • Direct you in making the right lifestyle changes to decrease your risk of future cardiovascular problems
  • Increase your ability to perform your job and your daily or recreational activities
  • Provide you and your family with the support and motivation you need to make important lifestyle changes

Cardiac rehabilitation has a three-phase approach that begins in the hospital and continues throughout recovery:

  • Phase I. While in the hospital, our Phase I cardiac rehab staff will direct your early-activity program. We will teach you about the recovery process and tell you how to reduce your future risk of heart problems.
  • Phase II. Soon after you leave the hospital, you can enter the outpatient Phase II cardiac rehab program. The hallmarks of phase II are electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring, close staff-to-patient interaction and weekly education classes. The length of time you participate in the Phase II program will be determined by your rate of recovery and insurance coverage.
  • Phase III. Phase III provides a safe, professionally supervised exercise venue within the hospital; it is appropriate for graduates of Phase II cardiac rehab or individuals seeking to manage risk factors or make a healthy change in their life. Phase III cardiac rehab maintenance programs are not typically covered by insurance; however, we strive to keep our pricing affordable and always cover the cost of your parking when you participate.

For more information about the cardiac rehab program, please call 317.678.2000.

Cardiac Rehabilitation

This structured inpatient and outpatient program helps patients with specific cardiac diseases and/or procedures recover more quickly and completely through monitored or supervised exercise programming and cardiac-specific education classes. There is also a phase of the cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) program designed to prevent the occurrence or re-occurrence of heart disease.

Cardiac rehabilitation benefits patients who have recovered or are recovering from heart or vascular conditions or procedures, such as:

  • Cardiovascular disease, angina or heart attack
  • Heart surgery: bypass surgery, valve repair or replacement, aortic aneurysm repair or replacement, heart transplant
  • Interventional procedures, such as angioplasty or stents
  • Heart failure
  • Arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm)
  • Device implants, such as pacemakers or internal defibrillators (ICDs)
  • Other forms of heart or vascular disorders

Patients who regularly participate in the cardiac rehab program can expect to see improvements in:

  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Body weight
  • Functional capacity (activities of daily living)
  • Blood sugar control
  • Mood/depression

Cardiac rehabilitation strives to:

  • Improve your overall heart health
  • Enhance your return to a healthy lifestyle
  • Increase your understanding about your heart or blood vessel disease and treatment
  • Direct you in making the right lifestyle changes to decrease your risk of future cardiovascular problems
  • Increase your ability to perform your job and your daily or recreational activities
  • Provide you and your family with the support and motivation you need to make important lifestyle changes

Cardiac rehabilitation has a three-phase approach that begins in the hospital and continues throughout recovery:

  • Phase I. While in the hospital, our Phase I cardiac rehab staff will direct your early-activity program. We will teach you about the recovery process and tell you how to reduce your future risk of heart problems.
  • Phase II. Soon after you leave the hospital, you can enter the outpatient Phase II cardiac rehab program. The hallmarks of phase II are electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring, close staff-to-patient interaction and weekly education classes. The length of time you participate in the Phase II program will be determined by your rate of recovery and insurance coverage.
  • Phase III. Phase III provides a safe, professionally supervised exercise venue within the hospital; it is appropriate for graduates of Phase II cardiac rehab or individuals seeking to manage risk factors or make a healthy change in their life. Phase III cardiac rehab maintenance programs are not typically covered by insurance; however, we strive to keep our pricing affordable and always cover the cost of your parking when you participate.

For more information about the cardiac rehab program, please call 317.678.2000.

Consentimiento General

Se te pedirá que revise y firme este consentimiento para recibir atención de nuestros médicos y personal

General Consent

You will be asked to review and sign this consent to receive care from our physicians and staff

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Consentimiento General

Se te pedirá que revise y firme este consentimiento para recibir atención de nuestros médicos y personal

General Consent

You will be asked to review and sign this consent to receive care from our physicians and staff