Addiction Treatment & Recovery

We will work with you to overcome the challenges you face with substance use

Seeking treatment for drug or alcohol addiction is an important step toward recovery. IU Health offers many different levels of drug and alcohol treatment in Indianapolis and surrounding areas.

What is Addiction (Substance Use Disorder)?

Drug or alcohol addiction is also referred to as substance use disorder. It refers to the continued use of a substance, despite significant problems with its use. Someone addicted to a substance engages in unhealthy patterns of behavior with its use. Addiction is a disease that affects your entire life, from your health to your relationships with friends and family. Fortunately, treatment and recovery options are available.

Substance refers to things like:

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Get immediate access to full-service substance use intervention services at IU Health Addiction Treatment & Recovery Centers.

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What to Expect with Addiction Treatment and Recovery

Like other medical conditions, it can take time to recognize you have an addiction, especially one that is serious enough to need treatment. When you do recognize the need for treatment, other barriers can get in the way.

It is natural to feel unsure about seeking treatment. One of our goals is to help you make changes when you feel ready. When you do, we’ll provide you the help you need. At IU Health, we approach treatment of your addiction from many angles.

If you want to learn more about our addiction treatment programs, please contact one of our Addiction Treatment & Recovery Centers.

Ongoing Addiction Treatment

Once you complete the detox process, you’ll need ongoing treatment to reduce the risk for relapsing. Depending on your needs, your treatment can include:

  • Medications
  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy

Intensive Outpatient Programs

We offer Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) at our Addiction Treatment & Recovery Centers. We offer treatment at several locations:

These programs offer intensive group therapy to provide you with the tools you need for successful recovery. In group therapy, you and three to twelve other adults who struggle with addiction meet for a few hours, three to five days a week.

A clinician or two who specialize in addiction treatment will guide discussions, educate group members and introduce treatment tools. Patients in IOPs do not stay at the recovery centers overnight.

Some patients need a more intensive, inpatient level of care. In this case, clinical staff can provide treatment and monitor your mental and physical health at all times. If you struggle with other serious mental or physical health issues in addition to addiction, inpatient care may be the best option for you. Our addiction treatment providers will refer you to a facility to meet your specific needs.

Watch: Virtual Care Peer Recovery Coaching Program

Watch this video to learn what you can expect from the IU Health Virtual Care Peer Recovery Coaching Program.

Our recovery coaches have personal experience with substance use disorder and are in long term recovery. The goal is to understand your journey, meet you where you are and help you find treatment when you are ready.

Questions to Ask Your Provider About Addiction Treatment

You probably have many questions about addiction treatment. Some of the most common questions people ask include:

  • Will I require detoxification?
  • If I require detoxification, can I complete it at home (as an outpatient)?
  • What level of treatment do I need?
  • Can medications help me with my addiction?
  • How long will my treatment last?
  • What sets you apart from other addiction treatment centers?

If you’re looking for alcohol or drug treatment in Indiana, an IU Health addiction treatment provider is here to help. We will take the time to answer all of your questions and connect you with the most appropriate treatments available.

Patient Stories for Addiction Treatment & Recovery

Apr 21

‘We are all in the grips of grace’: A journey through addiction recovery

When Sharon Hollis realized she was addicted to alcohol, she sought help from IU Health West’s Addiction Treatment and Recovery Center.

‘We are all in the grips of grace’: A journey through addiction recovery image.