Allergic & Chronic Rhinitis

Giving you the tools and treatment you need so you can breathe easy

Rhinitis refers to swelling of the nasal passages, causing a runny nose, sneezing and congestion. Whether seasonal or year-round, rhinitis is your immune system’s way of trying to protect you from allergens or other irritants.

Your physicians will work to identify the causes of your allergic and chronic rhinitis. You'll have the tools you need to breathe more easily and live a healthy, active lifestyle.

The key to treating rhinitis caused by allergies is to determine what allergens your body is responding to so you can avoid them as best as you can. Not all allergens can be avoided so some medicines or immunotherapy may be necessary. Regardless, we will offer you a wide range of allergy treatment options to fit you and your needs.


The key to treating rhinitis caused by allergies is to determine what allergens your body is responding to so you can avoid them as best as you can. Not all allergens can be avoided so some medicines or immunotherapy may be necessary. Regardless, we will offer you a wide range of allergy treatment options to fit you and your needs.

Allergy skin testing

Skin testing is a quick, safe way to test for multiple allergies at the same time. We prick your skin and expose you to small amounts of allergens, ranging from pollen to dust to pet dander. If a red, swollen bump forms around the prick site, we know that you are sensitized to that substance.

Allergy blood testing

For people with asthma or severe allergies, skin testing may not be the safest option. Instead, we draw a small amount of blood and examine it for the presence of antibodies, or immune cells your body creates to fight off invaders like bacteria, viruses or allergens.


Allergy skin testing

Skin testing is a quick, safe way to test for multiple allergies at the same time. We prick your skin and expose you to small amounts of allergens, ranging from pollen to dust to pet dander. If a red, swollen bump forms around the prick site, we know that you are sensitized to that substance.

Allergy blood testing

For people with asthma or severe allergies, skin testing may not be the safest option. Instead, we draw a small amount of blood and examine it for the presence of antibodies, or immune cells your body creates to fight off invaders like bacteria, viruses or allergens.

You will receive the most advanced treatment for rhinitis, including:

  • Allergy medicines. Many prescription or over-the-counter medicines are available to relieve allergies. Depending on the severity of your allergies, you may take any of the following medicines: antihistamines, corticosteroids and decongestants. It is important to follow your allergist’s instructions when using these medicines to avoid your body’s dependence on them.
  • Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy, or allergy shots, expose you to the allergen in a controlled environment (your physician’s office). You are injected with the allergen and monitored to make sure you do not have a negative reaction. Over time, this conditions your body to not overreact to the allergen. Immunotherapy reduces or eliminates the need for allergy medicines.
  • Education. Once we determine what specific allergens your body reacts to, we work with you on a plan to avoid them as much as possible. We will suggest changes you can make in and outside your home.
  • Referral to specialists. If we determine that your rhinitis is not caused by allergies, we may refer you to one of our highly skilled Ear, Nose and Throat specialists. They may run additional tests, such as computed tomography (CT) scans to better understand the causes of your rhinitis and determine the best treatments for you.


You will receive the most advanced treatment for rhinitis, including:

  • Allergy medicines. Many prescription or over-the-counter medicines are available to relieve allergies. Depending on the severity of your allergies, you may take any of the following medicines: antihistamines, corticosteroids and decongestants. It is important to follow your allergist’s instructions when using these medicines to avoid your body’s dependence on them.
  • Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy, or allergy shots, expose you to the allergen in a controlled environment (your physician’s office). You are injected with the allergen and monitored to make sure you do not have a negative reaction. Over time, this conditions your body to not overreact to the allergen. Immunotherapy reduces or eliminates the need for allergy medicines.
  • Education. Once we determine what specific allergens your body reacts to, we work with you on a plan to avoid them as much as possible. We will suggest changes you can make in and outside your home.
  • Referral to specialists. If we determine that your rhinitis is not caused by allergies, we may refer you to one of our highly skilled Ear, Nose and Throat specialists. They may run additional tests, such as computed tomography (CT) scans to better understand the causes of your rhinitis and determine the best treatments for you.

Patient Stories for Allergic & Chronic Rhinitis