Thrive by IU Health

October 27, 2023

One missed birthday for a father's chance at dozens more

IU Health Simon Cancer Center

One missed birthday for a father's chance at dozens more

Behind the closed door of an inpatient room at IU Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center Sebastian Thomas is battling testicular cancer. It's been exhausting and painful at times, but the UK native knew when he booked his flight that it wouldn't be a vacation. "A little bit of hard work and a little bit of suffering is the gain of a life. I'll get to go back [to Florida] and be with my son," said Sebastian, who was forced last week, to celebrate his son's fourth birthday via video call. "At least I got to watch him open the presents I got him and at the end of the day, you know, if I have to miss one birthday to spend the next 70 with him, hey I'm happy with that."

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