Thrive by IU Health

March 17, 2023

Patient battles for months to fight near-fatal necrotizing soft tissue infection

Patient battles for months to fight near-fatal necrotizing soft tissue infection

Joe Curry was admitted to Methodist Hospital in December of 2022 with multi-system organ dysfunction and failure related to necrotizing soft tissue infection to his chest and arm. His stay started in the ICU where he was intubated and sedated for several days. He has had several surgeries, including four skin grafting surgeries to get rid dying tissue and muscle. From there he worked with the wound care team to debride and change his wound vac twice a week. After multiple medical procedures to attack a critical, life-threatening infection, Joe and his medical team, including emergency surgeons, plastic surgeons, wound care experts and nurses, have fought to help him recover.

“I have loved the challenge of working with the surgical teams, especially the Plastics team to help heal Joe’s arm fully and allow him to recover and get a second chance at life,” said Kristen Ballard, Joe’s physical therapist and wound care expert. “It’s rare that I get to follow a patient this long and to be with Joe when we didn’t know if he would survive… to now seeing his arm and chest almost fully healed is what makes what I do worth all the effort. Joe is a great patient who really is a miracle and this hospital is an amazing place for miracles to happen.”