Schedule an Appointment

Select how you would prefer to schedule your appointment below

01 Schedule Online

Schedule Online

For new and existing patients

View available times and schedule in-person and virtual visits with select providers.

01 Find Providers

Find Providers

Search by condition, location or name

Schedule directly with a new provider or one you have visited before in our online directory.

01 My IU Health

My IU Health

Log in to schedule with an existing provider

Use My IU Health to schedule an appointment. You must be an existing patient to schedule with My IU Health.

01 Call to Schedule

Call to Schedule

Let us help you find a provider

Call 1.888.IUHEALTH (1.888.484.3258) to connect directly with us to schedule an appointment. Our call hours are from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday.

Use our Self-Service Price Estimate tool or request a price estimate to learn about your potential billed charges and your expected out-of-pocket costs for IU Health services.

Use Price Estimate Tools

In Case of Emergency:

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or find the nearest emergency care.