Thrive by IU Health

Checklist for Quitting Smoking: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Kicking the Habit

Checklist for Quitting Smoking: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Kicking the Habit

You can make 2020 your year to join the ranks of former smokers. Laying some groundwork first will boost your chances of successfully quitting smoking, said Patricia Colon, MPH, IU Health Bloomington Community Health tobacco prevention coordinator. START your non-smoking lifestyle!

S: Set a quit date

Quitting smoking is a process. It begins before you quit and ends sometime after your last cigarette. Pick a date that gives you time to develop your plan and get ready to quit, ideally within 2-3 weeks.

T: Tell family, friends and coworkers you're quitting

Quitting smoking isn't easy for most people. Ask for their understanding and support when cravings and stress hit.

A: Anticipate challenges

You're going to hit challenges that test your resolve to quit—they're part of kicking an addictive habit. Make a plan for how to get around them.

R: Remove tobacco products from your environment

Before quitting, clean up and clean out — cigarettes and old butts, ashtrays, lighters — anything that's part of your smoking habit. Make your home smoke-free and avoid smoking in other places where you spend a lot of time, like your car or work.

T: Talk to your doctor

Quitting smoking cold turkey isn't for everyone. Talk with your doctor about nicotine patches or gum and other medications that can help you quit.

Get the one-on-one coaching and resources you need to finally kick your smoking habit—for FREE! Go to and get started today!