Thrive by IU Health

March 17, 2023

IU Health ending visitor restrictions; mask changes coming

IU Health ending visitor restrictions; mask changes coming

Visitor restrictions to end March 20

Effective Monday, March 20, visitor restrictions will end at most IU Health facilities due to decreased flu activity in Indiana. Riley Hospital for Children will continue visitor restrictions until respiratory viral illness rates among pediatric patients decline.

Universal masking to end March 27

Due to declining cases of COVID-19 in the community, universal masking will become optional as of Monday, March 27 in inpatient and outpatient spaces where direct patient care is provided. Certain areas may retain masking requirements depending on the needs of their patient populations at the discretion of local leadership.

Team members, patients and visitors are welcome to wear a mask in any setting at any time.

Universal masking will be replaced with standard precautions used prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Guidance includes:

  • Team members should wear a mask when caring for patients with confirmed or suspected viral respiratory pathogens.
  • Team members who suspect they have a respiratory illness should not come to work in person.
  • Patients with respiratory symptoms should be provided a mask and placed in a private room based on suspicion and diagnosis.
  • Visitors should refrain from visiting if they feel ill or are experiencing respiratory symptoms.

There may be clinical areas within IU Health with a need to require masks at times due to characteristics of their patient populations. These decisions should be handled in collaboration with local clinical leadership and Infection Prevention.

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