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- Now, let’s save infants’ lives
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- Now, let’s save infants’ lives
February 25, 2024
Now, let’s save infants’ lives
Indiana is one of the most dangerous places in the US for babies. Only 10 states have higher rates of infant mortality — meaning the number of babies who die before their first birthday. And it’s even worse for Black babies. They die at twice the state’s overall rate: 13.2 deaths per 1,000 live births compared to 6.6 deaths overall.
Cradle Indianapolis is a collaborative effort among parents, caregivers, healthcare professionals and community members to identify and counter causes of infant mortality, starting in Marion County, which has seven of the 13 ZIP codes in Indiana with the highest infant mortality rates. Working from a proven model that has reduced infant mortality in Cincinnati, the initiative will address preconception health, pregnancy health and infant health.
Thanks to the generosity of contributors to IU Health Foundation’s Racial Equity in Healthcare Fund and funding secured through Representative Andre Carson’s office, the first order of business for Cradle Indy was to hire a program director. Terri Lee, MPH, CCHW, joined IU Health in late 2022 and spent 2023 assembling the coalition and creating a strategic plan that lays out the program’s work through 2027.
“Now that the strategic plan is final, the most satisfying work can begin,” said Lee. “We will be able to help mothers have healthy pregnancies, help babies reach their first birthdays, and support families in our communities.” Cradle Indy’s priorities, identified by the community and the collective, will address pregnancy intendedness, low birth weight and preterm births, safe sleep, breastfeeding, and social determinants of health — environmental and social factors that contribute to a person’s overall well-being, such as food security and safe housing.
To support this important work, consider a gift to Cradle Indianapolis. To learn more, contact Jami Marsh, IU Health Foundation, vice president, Philanthropy & Strategy at 317.962.1786.
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