Thrive by IU Health

April 01, 2024

Patient shares cautionary tale about stroke risk factors

IU Health Methodist Hospital

Patient shares cautionary tale about stroke risk factors

A recent stroke study revealed young black women with high blood pressure carry a much higher stroke risk than white women or people of other demographics. Tamara Marakey is still battling deficits from a stroke she had 5 years ago. "Here I am at 50 finally thinking about future me. If I would have thought about my health more when I was in my 30s, maybe I wouldn't be in the position I'm in now. Young men and women, black, latino, white, it doesn't make a difference, think about future you."

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A condition where a blood clot or broken blood vessel interrupts the blood flow to the brain, resulting in brain cell loss, and loss of cognitive (thinking) and physical function.