Thrive by IU Health

January 21, 2025

Teen patient thrives with assistance from home infusion program

Teen patient thrives with assistance from home infusion program

Daily life has become a little easier for seventeen-year-old Erica thanks to IU Health’s home infusion program. Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease over a decade ago, Erica relies on intravenous medication delivery, known as infusions, to relieve the severe inflammation in her digestive track. Previously, she traveled hours to and from treatment sessions, causing her to regularly miss school and extracurricular activities. However, everything changed six months ago when she transitioned to IU Health’s home infusion program.

Now, instead of long, tiring days at the hospital, she comfortably receives her treatment at home, often while catching up on her homework with a dog (or two) in her lap. She also has more time and energy to participate in events after school, such as track and field and cross country. “Before, I was dragging at practice. I have understanding coaches, but still. I used to be tired the entire day from the long car ride after treatment,” she says.

The transition to home infusions not only improved how she managed her condition, but also unexpectedly fostered a unique bond between Erica and her assigned nurse. The two have developed a meaningful relationship, with her nurse showing genuine interest in Erica’s life, and that of her family. “My nurse is very personable and nice. She’s come to be quite a good friend for all of us [in the family],” Erica says. “She is meticulous about doing things correctly, and so I feel completely safe and at peace receiving treatment at home.”

Home infusions, as Erica's story illustrates, can offer a versatile treatment pathway for patients with chronic conditions, striking a balance between healthcare needs and the pursuit of an active, fulfilling life. For Erica, and undoubtedly many others, home infusions represent more than just a treatment delivery method; they are a means to reclaiming a sense of normalcy and freedom in their lives.