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Behavioral Health

IU Health Bloomington Behavioral Health Services

4.7 out of 5 stars (769 ratings)

Outpatient treatment preserves family routine and eliminates the disruption associated with hospitalization. IU Health Bloomington Hospital offers the following outpatient services in Bloomington, Indiana:

  • Psychiatric consultation and medicine evaluation
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
  • Individual psychotherapy and psychoeducational groups
  • Medical and psychosocial evaluation
  • Medical management
  • Individual, group and family therapy

The care we offer is as individual as the people we serve. Participants develop healthy goals and ways to reach these goals, with an emphasis on preventing relapse of emotional distress. Referrals are made by private therapists, physicians, social service agencies and other sources. Patients are evaluated to determine which program is appropriate for their situation.

For information about free (or low cost) local support groups, please call “211” to discover support options available to you in your area.

Psychiatric Consultation and Medication Evaluation

Our board certified psychiatrists and nurse practitioners provide diagnostic assessments and recommendations for treatment. With the assistance of our registered nurses, we offer ongoing follow-up telephone consultation for individuals between appointments and networking with referring professionals.

Intensive Outpatient Program

We have designed our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), available in Bloomington, to assist individuals who do not require hospitalization, but can benefit from participation in a structured therapeutic program to address psychiatric needs in a supportive, caring environment.

IOP components include:

  • Recognizing personal strengths and problem areas
  • Gaining greater understanding of the relationships between thought and behavior
  • Setting immediate and long-term goals
  • Developing structured homework assignments
  • Helping change emotions and behaviors

The IOP offers group therapy and educational groups to help you develop coping skills and improve your mental health and ability to function in daily life.

Individual Psychotherapy and Psychoeducational Groups

Our individual and group sessions are led by licensed therapists are available both days and evenings for individuals with anxiety, depression, relationship issues and other needs.

How to Become a New Patient at Outpatient Behavioral Health

It is important that all patients seen at IU Health Outpatient Behavioral Health be under the care of a primary care provider, as the assessment and management of medical issues is the first step toward identifying possible underlying mental health issues. Our behavioral health staff will also work closely with your primary care provider, when necessary, to coordinate care.

To begin the process of becoming a new patient, your primary care provider should complete, and then fax to our office, a copy of the referral form listed below. Once the referral form is received, our behavioral health staff will contact you, and /or your primary care provider, with a plan.

Referral Form

Appointments are scheduled with a licensed therapist and are approximately 45-50 minutes in length. We ask that you arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment, with a completed copy of the forms listed below.

Please be aware that, because mental health services are confidential, your authorization for us to share medical records with, and to request medical records from, your past and current providers will be requested. To assist us in this, please make a list of all mental health providers that you have seen in the past 5 years, along with their contact information, and bring this list with you to your first appointment.

If you are currently taking prescribed and/or over-the-counter medications, please bring a list of these medications as well.

Our mental health staff will spend the majority of the first appointment getting to “know you” by reviewing your completed self-assessment form and patient depression questionnaire, and most importantly, by listening to your concerns, so that together you may develop a treatment plan.

What to Expect at Your First Outpatient Appointment

Appointments are scheduled with a licensed therapist and are approximately 45-50 minutes in length. We ask that you arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment, with a completed copy of the forms listed below.

Please be aware that, because mental health services are confidential, your authorization for us to share medical records with, and to request medical records from, your past and current providers will be requested. To assist us in this, please make a list of all mental health providers that you have seen in the past 5 years, along with their contact information, and bring this list with you to your first appointment.

If you are currently taking prescribed and/or over-the-counter medications, please bring a list of these medications as well.

Our mental health staff will spend the majority of the first appointment getting to “know you” by reviewing your completed self-assessment form and patient depression questionnaire, and most importantly, by listening to your concerns, so that together you may develop a treatment plan.

IU Health Bloomington Hospital offers inpatient services for individuals with behavioral or psychological disorders that require a high degree of care and supervision.

Access Center

Our Access Center provides an assessment of your presenting problem(s) and identifies the appropriate level and type of care you need. In the event that acute inpatient hospitalization is required, our access counselors will help patients and families through the process.

The access counselor clarifies what to bring for hospitalization, describes the process, works to verify payer source and helps with pre-certification when necessary. During times of intense stress and difficulty, the counselor will help in getting the patient admitted to the hospital. In the event another level of service is needed, the counselor will help connect you with the appropriate type of care.

Acute Inpatient Hospitalization

Acute inpatient care and services are provided to individuals experiencing a crisis in their lives that has resulted in their inability to function successfully on a daily basis. The person may be a danger to him/herself or find it difficult to control angry and aggressive impulses. In some cases, the inability to function adequately may be due to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance use or depression and related disorders.

We recognize that being away from home and familiar surroundings can be difficult, so we work with the patient, family and other support systems to plan successfully for discharge and follow-up care.

Inpatient Services

IU Health Bloomington Hospital offers inpatient services for individuals with behavioral or psychological disorders that require a high degree of care and supervision.

Access Center

Our Access Center provides an assessment of your presenting problem(s) and identifies the appropriate level and type of care you need. In the event that acute inpatient hospitalization is required, our access counselors will help patients and families through the process.

The access counselor clarifies what to bring for hospitalization, describes the process, works to verify payer source and helps with pre-certification when necessary. During times of intense stress and difficulty, the counselor will help in getting the patient admitted to the hospital. In the event another level of service is needed, the counselor will help connect you with the appropriate type of care.

Acute Inpatient Hospitalization

Acute inpatient care and services are provided to individuals experiencing a crisis in their lives that has resulted in their inability to function successfully on a daily basis. The person may be a danger to him/herself or find it difficult to control angry and aggressive impulses. In some cases, the inability to function adequately may be due to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance use or depression and related disorders.

We recognize that being away from home and familiar surroundings can be difficult, so we work with the patient, family and other support systems to plan successfully for discharge and follow-up care.