Thrive by IU Health

December 16, 2024

Bloomington dietitians with a mission focused on nutrition

IU Health Bloomington Hospital

Bloomington dietitians with a mission focused on nutrition

An apple a day may not be the answer to keeping the doctor away, but positive food choices can make a big impact on a person’s short- and long-term health and wellness.

Dietitians with the IU Health Endocrinology team in Bloomington can help individuals better understand how foods can affect health conditions, work through personal nutrition challenges and more.

“Growing up, I often felt overwhelmed by conflicting nutrition messages and unsure how to properly nourish my body,” says Chloe Torres, RDN, LD. “As a dietitian, I love empowering others to feel confident nourishing their bodies according to their unique needs.”

This team sees patients for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Figuring out why their blood sugars are too high or too low.
  • Educating the patient about how different foods and drinks impact their health (increased cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, etc).
  • Helping with meal planning to support health.
  • Assisting with meal planning to support challenges such as finances.
Cooking a meal in the kitchen.

“One of the best parts of my job is when I can help people fall in love with food because they feel good inside and out,” says Crystal Olry, RDN, LD, E-RYT. “I strive to help my patients understand where their body is now and what is needed in this moment."

“We provide encouragement, feedback and scientific based advice to help adopt health habits, stay accountable and avoid falling back into old habits,” says Lisa Anderson, MSN, RN, RD, LD, CDCES. “We customize strategies and help patients manage their unique needs and diagnosis.”

“We have specialized knowledge in the field of nutrition and keep up with the latest nutrition care standards for specific health conditions,” says Janet Martin, RD, LD, CDCES. “Our patients also appreciate that we can offer longer appointments to work through nutrition education concepts and adapt nutrition to their specific needs.”

And those appointments are also dedicated to the individual needs of the patients.

“From in-personal or virtual individual and group education sessions to appointments at our main office in Bloomington and our two satellite offices in Bedford and Spencer—we want to ensure our patients get the education and support they need in a way that is accessible,” says Karyn Valentine, RDN, LD, CDCES. “Nutrition education and knowledge help support very direct and positive changes in people’s lives, and I love being part of that change.”

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