Below is an outline of upcoming construction activity, road and walkway impacts.
Weeks of September 9 and September 16
1. Closures for new hospital construction
Increased truck traffic is expected due to concrete pours and deliveries. Sidewalks are closed along the site perimeter. Intermittent lane restrictions are expected at 16th St. and Capitol Ave. A full road closure along Capitol Ave. between 16th and 14th Street will be in place due to underground utility work. Southbound traffic will be detoured to Meridian Street.
2. Capitol View construction
No major road or walkway impacts are expected.
3. Closures for construction activities
Senate Ave. between 12th and 16th
streets is closed. Sidewalks are closed in the area.
4. Closures for IU School of Medicine construction
No major roadway impacts are expected.
5. Closures for Central Utility Plant construction
13th St. between Senate Ave. and just west of Starbucks is closed. Intermittent lane impacts are expected along 12th
St. between Senate and Capitol avenues due to material deliveries.
6. Closures for South Support Building construction
Capitol Avenue between 13th and 14th
streets is closed due to construction operations. 14th Street between Capitol Ave. and Byram Pl. is restricted to construction traffic only. Sidewalks are closed in the area.
7. Closures for construction activities
Sidewalk closures are expected along the south side of 13th St., just north of Starbucks. Access to Starbucks is maintained.
8. Closures for AES substation construction
Intermittent lane impacts along Senate Blvd. between 16th and 20th streets and along Senate Ave. are expected due to underground utility work. A sidewalk closure along the east side of Senate Blvd. is expected from just south of Senate Ave. to just north of Parking Garage 3. Flaggers will direct traffic as needed.
Building On Our Promise
The new IU Health hospital in Downtown Indianapolis will combine adult services into one location with inpatient and observation beds, a full service outpatient center and a medical education building and on-site faculty offices.