A group of diseases that affect the brain and cause memory loss and difficulty with communicating and thinking.
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IU Health Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Service (ADRS) and the Rural Dementia Network are providing a new resource for dementia patients experiencing anxiety or having trouble in the hospital: Rural Dementia Bags.
“Sometimes, people living with dementia may have a hard time in the hospital setting, making it more difficult for care teams to treat, assess and potentially stay safe,” says Diana Matthews, CDP, with the ADRS. “We created the purple bags to help diffuse the situation while supporting the families in the long term.”
Each purple bag has a sensory item designed specifically for adults living with cognitive change, educational materials for the family and contact information about free services provided by the Rural Dementia Network.
“We have partnered with the Emergency department (ED) managers at Bedford and Paoli Hospitals to make these available as needed to team members when they have challenging care situations involving individuals living with dementia,” says Matthews. “This gives team members an additional option to support a safe care environment when confronted with challenging behaviors while also creating a better experience for our patients and their families.”
The bags then go home with the family. By providing helpful education, tools and resources to the patient’s loved ones, the ADRS team is assisting with the long-term care efforts of individuals living with dementia and potentially helping to reduce unnecessary ED visits in the future.
The plan is to eventually expand into the Medical-Surgical units at these facilities.
“This project is a direct result of HRSA Grant funding, and we’re so thankful to be able to provide this resource to our community members,” says Matthews.
A group of diseases that affect the brain and cause memory loss and difficulty with communicating and thinking.
A disease that affects memory and thinking ability, and is the most common cause of dementia.
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