Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic and reconstructive surgery includes a wide array of treatment ranging from complex reconstruction to elective treatment.
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Countless goals are made every year by individuals with good intentions to make a positive change.
K (who asked to not have her name shared), achieved her goal of losing weight, but she still had something holding on from before her weight loss journey.
“I had excess skin that I wanted to get rid of, and no amount of exercise was going to get rid of it,” says K, who lost about 95 pounds.
That’s when she was referred to Elizabeth Lucich, MD, (pictured to the right) who set forth to make her abdominoplasty a positive experience.
“As a type one diabetic, I have seen countless doctors regularly over the past 30 years—like podiatrists, eye doctors, my primary care doctor, endocrinologist, etc.—and have had several surgeries,” says K. “Dr. Lucich was probably one of the sweetest doctors I’d ever encountered.”
She explained how the surgeon was very articulate and helpful in explaining the details of the procedure and what would happen. The doctor’s friendly demeanor and excellent bedside manner was also seen in her team.
In fact, the experience was so good, K went back to Dr. Lucich to have a breast reduction six months later.
K says, “I definitely had a trust built up with her. She did a great job with my first procedure so I felt very confident having her do the much less complicated second procedure. She is the only plastic surgeon in Bloomington, however, I would have gone back to her regardless.”
Plastic and reconstructive surgery includes a wide array of treatment ranging from complex reconstruction to elective treatment.
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