Thrive by IU Health
We are IU Health "Day in the Life" helps set IU Health Saxony Imaging team up for success IU Health Saxony Hospital As part of the Fishers Community Impact Project, Imaging team members at IU Health Saxony held a "Day in the Life" event, where they were able to inte... "Day in the Life" helps set IU Health Saxony Imaging team up for success
Nurse spotlight: Tammi Pearcy We are IU Health June 7, 2024 Nurse spotlight: Tammi Pearcy Tammi Pearcy is a nurse on Methodist Hospital's endoscopy recovery unit. She helps people wake up...
Neighbor cries for help, Riley nurse responds to save man's leg Patient Stories June 10, 2024 Neighbor cries for help, Riley nurse responds to save man's leg Dan Brancolini was in a world of hurt after the car in his driveway rolled backward over his legs...
Personal experience drew radiation therapists to career We are IU Health May 14, 2024 Personal experience drew radiation therapists to career They experienced the effects of cancer firsthand and wanted to help others. By TJ Banes, IU Heal...

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Social worker making positive impact on wound care patients
Enteral Nutrition team empowers patients and families through their nutritional journeys
Nurse spotlight: Abigail Saito
Indiana's first mobile lung screening program rolls into town
Social worker advocates for people diagnosed with cancer