Thrive by IU Health

March 08, 2024

Celebrating community impact in southern Indiana

IU Health Bedford Hospital

Celebrating community impact in southern Indiana

Tuesday, March 5, found a group of individuals coming together in Martinsville to celebrate two Community Impact Investment Fund (CII) awards focused on improving lives in South Central Indiana. Administered by the IU Health Foundation, these grants support non-profit organizations addressing key social and environmental factors affecting health outcomes.

SCR Chief Medical Officer John Sparzo, MD

“Today, we’re honoring two CII grantees who are helping make South Central Indiana a healthier place to live, work and play,” says SCR Chief Medical Officer John Sparzo, MD.

He notes that IU Health’s goal of making Indiana a healthier state has seen some progress, with Indiana moving from 38th to 35th in an annual report by the United Health Foundation and the American Public Health Association. However, there’s still more work to do.

Crystal Miller, IU Health Foundation president

“No single organization, not even the largest employer headquartered in Indiana—IU Health—can tackle this alone,” says Crystal Miller, IU Health Foundation president.

“Our goals are ambitious, but we firmly believe that we can move the needle for better health to Hoosiers across our state,” Sparzo continues. “Today, we see two programs that will help with that goal.”

Those two programs are Centerstone in Bloomington and Stability First in Martinsville.

Melissa Helm, Centerstone Crisis & Access Regional Manager

“I just want to say on behalf of Centerstone of Indiana, and our mobile crisis response team, thank you so much for your generosity to make our work in mental health accessible to so many,” says Melissa Helm, Centerstone Crisis & Access Regional Manager.

Her program will receive $400,000 over three years to create a mobile crisis response team in Monroe and surrounding counties to treat people facing mental health or substance use crises. The service will be available around the clock to de-escalate crises and connect people in need to treatment options.

Stability First will receive $593,000 over three years to renovate a building in Martinsville as a shelter for men with mental health needs, substance use disorder or criminal histories. The men will receive housing, health care management and program services. Stability First operates a similar shelter for women, Magdalen House.

Rick Miller, Stability First Executive Director

“Helping those who are hurting, to move from suffering to flourishing, is a mission worth investing in, and we are very thankful the IU Health Foundation sees that as well.” says Rick Miller, Stability First Executive Director.

Jennifer Andres, IU Health Government Affairs—Community Impact Investment and Policy Development Director

“That’s just a snippet of what we see when we receive these applications and so uplifting to experience because it’s amazing work that you’re organizations are doing,” says Jennifer Andres, IU Health Government Affairs—Community Impact Investment and Policy Development Director. “You’re helping others flourish and giving hope that so many in our communities need.”

With over $7m in CII funding, IU Health has been able to impact over 15 organizations since 2019. For more information about CII funding, contact Shawna Girgis.

Gird of photos from the event