Vendor Conduct
While on IU Health premises, vendors are subject to the same standards of conduct as IU Health staff. Vendors are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner and be professional in appearance. No illegal substances or alcoholic beverages are allowed on IU Health property. IU Health is smoke-free. Smoking or the use of tobacco products of any kind is not permitted. Other vendor conduct includes:
Wireless Technology
Vendors shall not use wireless technologies—including cellular phones, wireless computers and other devices that may emit electromagnetic interference—in any patient care area. These devices may be used in administrative offices, non-patient care conference rooms, cafeterias and physician offices.
Do not offer gratuities, fees, gifts, services, loans, entertainment or other favors to IU Health staff with the intent to influence, even by appearance, a decision affecting IU Health or an IU Health patient.
Use the visitor parking areas closest to the facility you are visiting. Facility maps are available at all information desks. Fees for parking are the vendor's responsibility. Main entrance drives, delivery docks and other designated "No Parking" areas should not be used.
Confidential Information
To assist employees in upholding the IU Health policy on Standards of Conduct for Business Practices, do not request pricing or related confidential information. All questions regarding IU Health policies, procedures and regulations concerning aspects of purchasing should be referred to IU Health Supply Chain Operations.
Vendor Visitation Policies
IU Health recognizes that vendors are important to our success. IU Health also acknowledges the training, knowledge and expertise that vendor representatives possess which contributes to the organization's ability to expedite procedures and thus facilitate desired patient outcomes. Vendors are asked to observe the following visitation policies:
Scheduling visits
Vendors are expected to schedule all on-site activity in advance. Vendor representatives are asked to sign in at the Vendormate badge station upon arrival and wear proper identification while in the facility. Vendor representatives on site without a IU Health visitor's badge will be asked by IU Health management or security personnel to leave the facility.
Presence in procedural areas
The presence of the representative in a procedural area will be scheduled at the request of the surgeon, anesthesiologist, department director, manager or a designee. Presence during an emergent procedure should be verified with the physician and department director, manager or a designee in lieu of a formal appointment.
Vendor representatives will only be allowed to be present during procedures upon completion of the IU Health vendor registration process.
Presence in patient care areas
Vendor representatives will be permitted in patient care areas only when deemed necessary and approved by department directors, managers or their designees. Representatives will be allowed to pass through a patient care area on a one-time basis when en route to scheduled, office-based appointments. Vendor presence in a patient care area should not be used as an authorization to conduct promotional activities with any physician, pharmacists, nurses or other employees present.
Physician & staff lounge areas
Physician and staff lounges are intended as private areas for breaks. Vendors should not enter these areas, out of respect for the clinical team.
Bringing products into the facility
Any products the vendor brings in will be removed upon departure from the facility, unless otherwise approved. Offering promotional items, including food, for the clinical team is highly discouraged since this practice can be viewed as a conflict of interest and indirectly impacts our cost of products and services.
Policy infractions
At any point where the presence of the representative is deemed intrusive, he or she will be excused from the area, or facility. Any infractions of this policy or inappropriate behaviors will be addressed according to the policy.
Vendor Violation of Guidelines
Violations of the protocol outlined in this site will be reported to Indiana University Health Supply Chain Operations. A file of all complaints will be maintained in IU Health Supply Chain Operations, along with documentation of the notice of the corrective action taken. Any violation of these guidelines may result in one or more of the following consequences:
First Infraction
The sales representative, district manager and home office may receive a notice of violation from IU Health Supply Chain Operations.
Second Infraction
IU Health Supply Chain Operations may suspend the vendor representative's privileges at IU Health for 60 days and send a notice of violation to the district manager and home office.
Third Infraction
IU Health Supply Chain Operations may revoke the vendor representative's privileges at IU Health for 24 months, at which time the representative may contact IU Health Supply Chain Operations for reinstatement. Notice may also be sent to the district manager and home office.