Our unique partnership with Indiana University School of Medicine, one of the nation’s leading medical schools, gives patients access to innovative treatments and therapies.
Partnering with Indiana University School of Medicine, one of the nation’s leading medical schools, allows us to provide patients with access to innovative treatments and therapies as we work together to train physicians and blend breakthrough research with the highest quality of patient care.
Each year more than 1,000 residents and fellows receive training in IU Health hospitals. Research conducted by IU School of Medicine faculty gives IU Health physicians and patients access to the most cutting-edge and comprehensive treatment options. By working together, we can bring innovative treatments from the laboratory bench to the patient’s bedside seamlessly.
Future Research
IU Health and the IU School of Medicine recently invested together in a research collaboration to enhance joint capabilities in fundamental scientific investigation, translational research and clinical trials. The goal is to fund transformative proposals that will fundamentally change our understanding of these diseases and lead to important new therapies for patients.
The three initial target research areas of cancer, neuroscience and cardiovascular represent research strengths at IU School of Medicine, key strategic service lines for IU Health, and important medical needs in a time of an aging population and rising healthcare costs. This Strategic Research Initiative will provide patients with access to internationally renowned physicians and to new therapies developed through translational research and clinical trials, making use of the latest genetic tools to develop personalized therapies that are more effective for individuals and efficient for healthcare providers.